In this episode, Danielle is joined by her Aquarian sister and 8-figure award winning finance educator, Dominique Broadway. If at any point you’ve lost hope in your entrepreneurial journey because of an unexpected loss in revenue or felt like you were ill equipped because you didn’t manage your money properly, this episode is a MUST. Dominique opens up to the SINCE3000 audience about becoming a well renown personal finance advisor to going to broke to rebuilding it all to $8.5 MIL. Her journey to hitting rock bottom, her house going into foreclosure, and her car even being repossessed and how she built it all back.
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For years, it felt hard to show up as myself, what are people going to say? Or will they judge you and being a woman? You know, a lot of times you're supposed to just stand there and be pretty and, you know, not necessarily be outspoken or something you say may rub people the wrong way, because it's not socially accepted. For years. It was like, Okay, I stand here be pretty as Margaret wants to just stand there, like perfect posture. And now I'm at a point on life. I'm like, This is why I am you'd be like me don't having high energy being positive being optimistic people think they're optimistic if like, we instead we live in such a, you know, pessimistic society, and people always, oh, what was me and all this stuff is wrong, and there's the pandemic and endemic and we're back in the pandemic, and, and it's like, think about the what's what can we control, like focusing on what we can control has been huge for me, like, really, really impactful. And I hope that you like so that other people do kind of pick that energy up and then implement it into their own lives so they can start reaching like their own levels of success, whatever that means for them. Welcome back to 3000. I'm Danielle Leslie, we are going to be diving into our past, present and future selves. I'm so excited to be here today with my pregnant sister Dominique Broadway. She is amazing. She's a founder of finances demystified, she has been running this brand and this company for years, she's helped 1000s, hundreds of 1000s probably at this point, maybe millions, probably millions of people, reset their mindset around finances, see what's possible for themselves, you're gonna hear us go deep. We're not just going to talk about finances, we're going to talk about the underlying beliefs that lead to our decisions around finances, decisions around relationships, and everything in between. You're going to love her, her spirit emanates. That's the reason I brought her here on the couch to share with me today. And I'm so excited that you get to listen in on a conversation with one of my favorite people in the whole wide world. So dominate. Welcome to ces 3000. Thank you so much. That was a heck of Intro Hey. I'm so excited to bring you today's episode. But before we do, I need to make sure you've heard about member up. So community driven products are the future. But Facebook groups are a thing of the past. And after 10 plus years in the online education space, I've taken all my learnings and I've built this incredible platform member up. It's a customizable easy to use all in one platform where you can build a premium course community or membership site without the tech headache. Gone are the days of having to duct tape together, your content, your community, your payments, all on different platforms. I want you to do me a favor, do yourself a favor and head over right now to member forward slash Danielle. And you can get started for free today. I promise you I can't wait for you to see this platform. It's beautiful. Okay, the design is amazing. Your community is going to feel at home here and you are going to take pride in your online business. It is the place to start head over to member Ford slash Danielle. Now let's get into the episode. So I'm so excited to have you on because you are my Aquarian sister. Okay, and matching tattoos. Okay, so we have matching tattoos. So we were celebrating Dominic's birthday, and we were in Costa Rica. And it was like, the second to last night. The last night. It was the last. Can I share what we did on the first night or the Okay, so we did like a bachelorette party, which was like, like after you had already been married? Yes. What it was like So one time and we did a bachelorette party. And I was like, you know, we should all be naked in the pool. So there was a beautiful firepit you guys rented an amazing home right on the water. It was so beautiful. And then we're like we should be naked in the pool. And so slowly but surely everybody ended up that way. And then I remember we were like, huddled in like the far corners. It was the warmest part of the That's right. Because it wasn't like it was supposed to be it. It was not cool. We're just like, yeah, it was one section to the far right. Yes, that was warm. Yeah. So we're all like in a huddle, make it in the corner. We're talking like do you start using D solve problems as we should be. But that's like the energy you give off whenever I'm around you. I feel like I could just show up as I am being me. And I feel like you bring the energy into every room. Honestly, to me you embody one of my identities, our channel when I'm like, Okay, what is it like to be in this moment and know that I'm the cause I'm not it's not a cause and effect. It's not if I do this, then this will happen. It's just I am just The cause and the effect. And I think about JLo when she wore her Versace dress on the red carpet. And I don't know if you know this, because I learned this afterwards. But that was the moment that invented Google Images. Really, so many people were Googling and trying to figure out her dress that Google's like, we need a product. So people can actually see the images of it, because the text results are not delivering what we need. It's not giving. So they invented Google images on account of her. So when I think of being the effects, like the cause and the effect, she's like, I'm gonna embody this whole dress, I'm gonna own this own whole room. And the impact was she caused the biggest, the biggest entity in the world where we searched for everything to invent a new but I want to say credit. Probably no, probably we don't know right now. But honestly, when I think of you, I think of that. You're like, I really think of Dominique as this force, where you show up, and you influence the energy in the room, you bring everyone's energy up, and you have this ability to make people you're with, no, they can do anything, because we can, because you've already own that for yourself. Yeah, I appreciate that. Thank you, and I receive all of it. And that means a lot. That means a lot. Because I know a lot of times even for years, it felt hard to show up as myself, you know, because you're like, what are people going to say? Or will they judge you or, you know, sometimes, you know, as Aquarians we can be, you know, we do what we want when we want yeah, that's not always well received. And being a woman, you know, a lot of times you're supposed to just stand there and be pretty and, you know, not necessarily be outspoken, or some things you say May, you know, rub people the wrong way, because it's not socially accepted, you know, things like that. And so a lot of times, I'm just like, you know, for years, it was like, Okay, I stand here be pretty as Margaret was like, just stand there, like, perfect posture. And now I'm at a point on life. I'm like, This is who I am, you be like me, don't. They're usually likes me. Typically, due to you know, just being having high energy, being positive, being optimistic, people think they're optimistic. I feel like we insert we live in such a, you know, pessimistic society. And people always say, Oh, what was me and all this stuff is wrong, and there's the pandemic and endemic and we're back in the pandemic, and, and it's like, think about the what's what can we control, like, focusing on what we can control has been huge for me, like, really, really impactful. And I hope that, like I said, that other people do kind of pick that energy up, and then implement it into their own lives so they can start reaching, like their own levels of success, whatever that means for them. Absolutely. What I love is I can ask you questions about how you've taken that mindset, and built an incredible business. And I can ask you the questions about how you've used that mindset to build an incredible life and lifestyle. We got to go back to the tattoos, though. And then I'm gonna revisit all those questions because we didn't finish that thought. When we were in Costa Rica. That was our first night, we did your bachelorette party, which is so fun. After we got out of the pool, then we sat in our blankets around the firepit. And it was such a great video of that moment. And I just got to feel the love that you bring the surroundings, it felt so good. And then on our last day, we were out by the beach, and we did a little excursion. And it occurred to us that we could all get tattoos, it was like, What if we got matching tattoos? It was then I think I like randomly said it. Like, you know, sometimes you just throw it out there as an Aquarius, or like, you know, what if, and then I was like, let me see what happens. And then everyone's okay. And that's also the power of having people in your circle. So my sister's like, Hold on, let me text the concierge to see if we get a tattoo artists. And I'm like, okay, so this is happening. And then she's like, Okay, guys, this tattoo artist will be there in about two hours. And we're like, oh, we're, you're you're like, you were like, I was like, Oh, I was like, Oh, I was upstairs getting ready. And then they they're like, they're ready for you. I was like, Who? The tattoo artists? What? I go downstairs, there's two beds laid out by the pools. We had just on your part. And I was like, Okay, I'm laying down. Like, where do you want to? And I was like, I don't know. And I was like, under the booth. And then I remember asked, he was like, Is this okay, yeah. And then I didn't even look in a mirror. A little picture. I said, Well, you take a picture. Yeah. We had asked me take a picture you like I don't want you to like be too much. So I took a picture and I'm like this, you're like, Oh, this is perfect. And it was happening and we're getting tattoos. Wars is so unloved yours is right there. Yeah. And when the says tell the truth, I texted my grandma it regret I love my grandma's handwriting. And I said, Write this. So so so she sends it back. First time me and my sister like, No grandma, do your good handwriting this thing like so she'll tell you Yeah, so she she writes it, and this is now it's in her handwriting. And so it's also just having a little bit of her on me forever as well. So that was it meant a lot, you know, the fact that it's in your grandmother's writing, and then I get home. And I'm right there in my kitchen with my mom and my sister. And I said, I guys, I want to share something with you. I got a tattoo, and it says pura vida. And I was like, I was in Costa Rica. And I'm like, I was feeling regret around it. And I'm like, I should have got the underboob. So you can't see it. But you can always see it now. And you've seen my left boob a few times now. And my mom was like, Oh, my God, what part of Costa Rica were you in? And I was like, I don't remember. And she's like, well, you know, Nana grew up in Costa Rica. And I was like, Yeah, you texted me. And I was like, Oh, this is even more beautiful. Like that's in your grandmother's writing. And this is from my grandmother's homelands. And I'm like, Okay, now we're really connected. And that told me, Don't doubt yourself, there is a reason you may know in a week or month or never know, the true reason, but there was a reason for why you got that and why it was the right decision for you in that moment. Oh, my gosh, that was so amazing. So I guess Amy, you're. So when I look at, I'm going to start with family. And then we're going to move to business. Because that is something I remember us having a conversation about what you saw your life as and when you saw relationship says, and I so resonated with that. Because growing up, I wasn't the girl who dreamed of my wedding day, I didn't dream of getting married. I didn't dream of having kids. In fact, I remember on a trip in Chicago, and my mom told me and my sister and she's like, I don't see you girls as moms. And I was like, alright, but I look because my mom's like, nobody takes things personally. I'm just saying what I'm seeing. And I took it. I was like, oh, that's, that's interesting. And so I remember when you shared your vision early on for like what you saw that you were gonna create, and it was different from what you've created. Yeah. Do you remember what that vision was that you shared with me? Yeah, it's interesting, the vision. It, it was It wasn't clear, which is, which was always a little hard. I knew I knew I will be in this space, I knew I would be in this line of work as this personal finance person, what it looked like was always very blurry. I would say from a business side from a family side. I always knew I wanted kids, but I wasn't necessarily 100% sold on the kids. And then I kind of wanted to be married, but I wasn't sure. You know, I really just wanted a life partner. So I would say a lot of those things that the vision I had, it was there. But it was it was blurry. And I know a lot of times people have visions that are like, I saw the picket fence and the fence was weighed in. I had a boy and I had a girl I had a husband and he was tall. And I never saw that clear. It was like I had this vision. But it was a very blurry vision. That makes sense. So that's kind of where it was. So even now, where I am, I stop all the time. And I'm just like, This is crazy. Like there's two whole children. There's this husband like, it's, it's weird, you know, but I think that I know that this is where I was headed in a way. I maybe even probably fought it for some for some time. What do you mean by that? Because I don't like commitment. I do not like commitment. What do you what does that mean to you? What is it like? Commitment is scary. Like I didn't even like signing gym memberships? They'd be like, it's a 12 month commitment. I'm good. I'm gonna buy. Yeah, like, is there a month by month option? No. Okay, well, I'm gonna find a gym. That's month by month because I don't know what I'm gonna be feeling a year from now. Like, I just don't, I don't want that commitment. And so that was you know, always funny, but like, I don't like. And I've gotten a lot of therapy about this. I don't like feeling locked into things. I don't not like feeling locked into things. When I feel like I'm locked into something. I feel like I can't get out. And I like options. And so having a husband felt too permanent. Having children felt too permanent. Right? You have children? Yes, you raise them until they're 18 or whatever, maybe older depends on you know how their lives work out. And but your mom forever. Like, I'm going to forever be a mom, right? I may not forever be a wife. Maybe I will. Maybe I won't. But that's something that can vary, but the mom thing I'm going to forever be a mom. And so any of those things that potentially would would last forever scared me. I would run away. You know, I've had guys over the years say, you know, I would love to marry you and I'm like, don't you Better not proposing me not propose me because you're gonna get embarrassed. You don't say it because I'm not here for forever. I like you now. I mean, I liked you in two weeks, you know what I'm saying? But, and it's sometimes the thought of like I said, just having somebody forever is like, Oh, it's scary, even tattoos. I mean, this is forever, forever as long I can't count. I'm a numbers person, you can't count forever, right? You can't count it. And so any of those things that I can't count, or I don't see an end in sight, freaks me out. Oh my gosh. So I love this so much when you said, I imagined myself with a life partner. And that's how we think about the person I will be with and my even my evolution of what a relationship looks like. And I've talked to you about that. And how that's evolved. And so now when I think about life partner, I'm like, That's interesting life partner is the same initials LP limited partner that you have an accompany. Yes. And I know that I'm always going to be the business owner, have a company via company. So when I think of an LP, it's much more like have a life partner. It's also that limited partner in my business. And when I look at you and Dion, bro, like y'all, to me, I've redefined what a partnership looks like. And I remember so I want to tell you what I see. Which is beautiful. Have you read the Way of the Superior Man? I have actually, okay, actually, yes. So when I read a while ago, but I know I read it like over a decade ago, and I recently reread it. And when I read it, I thought about you too. And I thought about how the masculine energy is here to be stable, it is predictable, it creates a safe container for the feminine to be free and liberated. In thrive. There is this safe Foundation. And when I look at you and Dion, like that's the dynamic I see, I see a man who builds worlds around you. So you can be free to be in your feminine and create. And I remember one example, I think you were you know, you had this thought of like, well, what if we, you know, take it public. And then the next day, he set up a call with a consultant about taking about doing IPO, taking your company public, and I'm like, Whoa, I gotta be careful, but I just thought nobody tattoos. I'm like, you don't care? What would you say? But I'm like, yo, to have a man who's like, I'm not gonna diminish you. I'm not gonna quiet you. I'm not gonna make you small, so I can feel big. He said, Oh, I bet I'm gonna build a world around that. Yeah. And I know that you are already an established brand, finances demystified was already educating so many people, you would already been on all the shows, all the things. And then he comes in and he says we're gonna he was a multiplier. Exactly. Yeah, multiply. And I think that's important, right with when you're trying to find that life partner. But I think also too, it's like, not everyone, when you're thinking about those relationships, too. It's, I think, sometimes we have various life partners. I think we're very like it not necessarily in a romantic way. But when you kind of think about that limited partnership, right? I even think about some of the other people that have been in my lives that I've may have dated romantically or not, and how even the impact that they had, that got me to where I am, right, and then even I would say with Dion, too. One of the things that he did for me, when we first started dating was, like, you're saying that multiplier, right? So everything I was thinking, like, I want to do this. He's like, okay, cool, but you know, 10, exit, Grant, Grant, cardones, 20 exit. So I was like, hey, I want to do a million now you're going to do 20. Like, and I'm just like, but I wasn't gonna do it. And then and then you're gonna do 20. And like, but then putting the things in place to make that happen. And I totally appreciate and respect that about him. Because, for me, he helped me to see myself bigger than what I was. So I will say when I when I met him, I was doing good. You know, I was making. I was I was a toddler. I was making a quarter million a year, but I was good. I was single, you know, by myself make these little money. You know, that's good money. Oh, yeah. But then when you came around, he was just like, you know, this is great, but you could be doing more. You know, I had gotten to a place in my life where I was, I was just comfortable. Like I was making, like I said, decent. I wasn't making millions a year, but I was making usually like 250, maybe 300,000 a year, but I was a solopreneur. You know, it was just me maybe a couple different contractors. So my bills were very low, you know, I could live the way I want it. But he's like, No, this could be way bigger. Right. And I will say a lot of a lot of a lot of the reason not all but a lot of the reason why I am where I am, was because of him seeing me in a different light than I saw myself. Right. And so sometimes I sit back and I'm just like, wow, I didn't see my I saw myself as this person. But I didn't see myself as this person enough to be Leave that I can make it happen. So I didn't I never really believed. I'm a confident person, I knew I was gonna be successful. But I think deep down, there was a small part of me, that felt like, it wasn't gonna happen. Like it. And then I was when I was like, you know, going in therapy and think about it, it was a lot of reasons why, right? I'm like, Well, I don't come from the wealthiest family. You know, even we were talking earlier, just about, like, you know, growing up in our era being put down for being dark skin. You know, I've had so many situations where even when I worked in the financial services industry, being looked down upon people thinking I was the secretary, although I was the financial advisor, I've had speaking engagements where I walked into the room, and white men walked out when they saw that I was the speaker, you know, and so in the back of your you have these situations happen. And yes, you push through and you know, whatever, whatever, but they still stick with you. Like Maya Angelou said, I think it's like, the way you kill someone is not just slicing them in half, but it's taking a little bit of them. A little, little, yeah, a little. And I realized I had that is what had been happening. Like, I was very confident. But as I was going through my career, little things would happen. And I would come into a speaking engagement fully ready to deliver. And then five people will walk out five white men will walk out, because they see on the speaker, and it took a little piece away from me, you know? Oh, you're so pretty. For a dark skinned girl. It took a little piece away from me. Oh, wow. How did you? How did you How can you afford to live here? It took a little piece away from me, you know, stuff that people wouldn't say to other people. So I realized over the years, I was like getting beat up beat up, right? And then I got to the point where I was starting to settle. I was like, you know, I'm fine. Do what I'm doing, making a few 100,000 a year, this is good and stress free. And thank God he came, he was like, nah, nah, nah, this is this is this is just the beginning for you. And so I will always, you know, always credit him for he's actually a vision. I'm a visionary. So he's definitely visionary for seeing things in me that I could not see. Right. And then even helping to kind of put those things in place. So I could just just just run, you know, and it was it was it was honestly, it's easy, but it was easier, because I had already put so much work in, you know, but it's I was not leveraging what I'd already done to go to the next level. So I think, you know, a lot of times we're looking for, you know, our partners, our life partners, they may not be the life partner, sometimes they may just be the partner for right now. But embrace those people, because I do feel like God put certain people in our lives for certain seasons, right? To help us get to certain points. And maybe it's a limited partner, right? Sometimes, that's the one thing I would ask you to like, sometimes I know, you know, as business owners, we are, we are hardcore entrepreneurs. Okay, we are entrepreneurs all day, we're CEOs. But sometimes we do treat our relationships as businesses, right. And we want our lives as business and that may not be bad. Right? What it actually this is your pocket. Oh, what how do you feel like baby people in your life have received that when you want to treat it as a business partnership? Because for some people that will rub them the wrong way? What has been your experience? Okay. What I heard in that is, and this is related to my response to that question. When I think about the people I put myself in proximity with, whether it is romantic friendship, business, it falls into like four types of people. And one is like a builder. And I think about my mom, I think about my previous relationship, and those people were there in that school, my mom's gonna be here forever, but that particular partner was there in that season to help me build which means when I like let's say, a few years ago, I didn't actually have an idea of how to make myself happy, how to be motivated, how to establish like those those habits, so I think builders as the people who helped show me what it takes to establish a healthy set of habits, and then another type of person that comes up is a prophet, which is what I heard when you were talking about Dion and to me, the prophets in my life are the people who already see me as the future me and they regard me as such. Yes, they already are interacting with Dominique as the sage wise Dominique, who's 60 years old, she's already made the billions, the trillions, and they're already embracing you and regarding you in that fashion. So I think for me, it's more about what season Am I in? What do I need in that season. So there was a season when the builder was so important for me. And that translated across friendships across everything. And in that same season, I also had the profits. So I think, when I think about, like romantic relationships, how it relates to business, I mean, let's be honest, the whole dating process does lead gen that is sales. Like if I think about when I'm hiring a team member, or when I'm closing a dream client, like my partner is a dream client, my partner has that dream sale. And so what is the first thing I do when I'm looking to hire my A plus talent, or to land the dream client? The first thing I do is I do either a role scorecard or a job wreck or my dream 100 list my dream 100 companies that I would love to connect with? I make a list of that. For the role scorecard I very clearly define in my own language I envision I imagine, in an ideal world, what does this person look like? How do they relate to me? How do they make me feel every day? So that's the same exercise we do in dating or what I did in dating. And then the next step is, okay, lead gen, like, where do we go to find this person? are they hanging out at a conference, right? If you go to a conference in your industry, that's usually where you find the forward thinkers, they might be a speaker there, if that fits your role scorecard, they might also be a visionary futurist, those are often the people on stage, they can probably carry your room, they can probably articulate their thoughts, they're probably a leader and educator or a teacher. If personality, energy is important to you, they may be that person with the natural energy. That's why they're on stage. So a conference might be one of those places where you find your leads for your partner. And those are the properties we're looking for in a partner. And then then there's the you know, the whole, like, nurture cycle, the dating, and that's when you get to know it. Yeah. And I think what I learned in business, that now has been so crucial to my personal relationships, friendships, and romantic relationships, and team relationships, is a level of self awareness. So in building this business, I've learned that the therapy every Monday at 9am, the spiritual advisor sessions, the business manager, sessions, who's also a spiritual guy, like all these things have enabled me to have a feedback loop. That is no longer a year, but it's a day, like, I'm able to sit in the observer seat and say, Oh, my God, I made that decision because of this. Oh, okay, what does that link to, and then my feedback is quicker. And then I can tell that person, whether it's a team member, and that gets a you know, what, the way I showed up yesterday, I, this is why I showed up that way, and I apologized, and here's how I want to close that gap and be better. And I can now do that in my personal romantic relationships. And it's important even to, you know, the spaces we are in to have those teams or support, you know, people that are there around you that can continue to uplift you, right, because in the roles we're in, we're constantly pouring into others, right? We're constantly pouring into others. And so sometimes in the day, you're just like, Oh, you're spent, you know, and I'm a mom as well. So then it's like, and then the day I remember when I was single, I could just go and like be quiet read a book. And then the day for me and I was like Dauphin didn't even Jimmy's like Mommy, mommy, mommy. And I'm like, Oh my God, you know. And so you you get drained, right? You get drained. So it's also very important, you're saying to have those other people that you're surrounding yourself by that can constantly pour into you, and remind you sometimes of your vision, because I think sometimes when you get so, like caught up in the day to day of making the vision, vision happen, you sometimes forget the vision, because you're like working on the on the on the you know, the day to day stuff. So also having that life partner or just other people in your life that can be like, No, this is this is what you're doing. This is the grand vision. Remember the vision, I know you're focused on this one task, but we got to keep our eye on the prize. And I think I know for me that has been really, you know, really beneficial, you know, for sure. Yeah. Hey, this is Danielle Leslie and I have a question for you. If you are a creative entrepreneur, and your business is unique, why are you working with a generic accountant? 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I think one thing I love about you is one of my favorite quotes, the best way to predict the future is to create it. And I remember you shared and I want to know so I'm going to share what I heard from you in your personal life. And then I want to hear a moment where you did this with your business. Because last year you had a phenomenal year was 8,000,008.78 point 7 million the year before was how much 800,000 800,000 to 8.7 million. So before asked you how that happened. One thing I know, right, the way we do one thing is the way we do everything. So for you, I remember you were right here in the living room, in our CEO circle, and we had our CEO retreat. And we had I think we're sitting on the couch. And you shared something that was so dope, I think I was about to do my egg freezing. And I was a little nervous about it. Because I'm like I'm going to be this is what they say, you're going to be hormonal, you're going to be all over the place, you're going to be crying, it's going to be while you don't have to be at home. And you said something that really stuck with me. And it actually helped me dictate how my egg retrieval process when and you said when I was pregnant, I decided this is how I want it to be How did you describe how you wanted it to be? Yeah, I wanted it to just be like, almost euphoric, and almost like a celebration of me bringing in life and it was it was funny, because when I found out I was pregnant, you know, Dion, and I just went all in on like watching all these like, videos. And I never forget our friend Don Dixon's like, You got to watch this one movie with like, a documentary with Ricki Lake and she's, you know, sharing about how she, you know, did this natural childbirth and I'm like, okay, maybe I didn't maybe I didn't need a natural childbirth. And she, like, you know, was this lady and documentaries, where she's laughing. She's in Brooklyn. I actually she's walking down the hall is like, Oh, my God, the baby's coming. And she like squats, like, in the corner of the hallway and babies pops out. And I'm like, What the hell do we just watch right? And then I was watching the show, called the midwife. It's called them it's on Netflix. And it's like, a show. I think it's based on their time period, like, I guess maybe the 50s or something and it's like in London or England, and these women are you know, giving birth and then like, scream, and I was just like, Oh my goodness. So I saw these like, crazy situations of how childbirth can go and I was freaking out. Okay, I'm like, you know, where we have a smaller frame? And I'm like, I don't have no childbearing hips, right? Oh, is this big baby gonna come out what's about to go down? And I forget one day, I just realized I'm like, Look, because I'm the first of all, Dean, I was like, you stop watching all this stuff you're getting, you're freaking yourself out. And I was like, You know what I am. And I was like, that's not how my delivery is gonna go. I was like, it's going to be smooth. It's going to be happy. It's going to be joyful. And when I went into labor with Dawson, that's literally what it was. I was surrounded by family and friends. I did ask for the epidural. Okay, and a lot. You don't get no extra points for having natural childbirth shout out to all the women that day, but I realized I wasn't well actually, it wasn't. I knew I wasn't getting extra points. I have been for that. So I took the epidural and it Lucius joyful. I was literally laughing the entire time. I was giving birth and I felt like I made the decision for it to be that way. You know, and you know, we like to be in control and I was like, I'm going to take control of this situation. Like I'm gonna have a nice childbirth. I'm gonna rip I'm gonna you know, and book baby's gonna pop out. We're gonna be Gucci it's gonna be good. And it went down like that. And I realized that was One situation that I realized in life, I'm going to control it, right. But we kind of talked about, like focusing on what we can control. There's a lot in our lives that we can control. There's a lot in our lives that we can control. There's a lot that we can't. But what we can't do is focus on what we can't control. Right? I couldn't control if it was super painful, or if the you know, if there was issues that I couldn't control there, but what I could do is focus on what I could control in that situation, I was going to control the room who was in the room who was an uplift me in the room, I was going to control if I want it pain or not, I opted for no pain. I was going to control. You know, am I going to be frantic? Or I'm going to be calm. You know, maybe I want to have soothing music. I like to laugh and joke. My My doctor said they had never been to a funnier labor in their entire life. I've delivered so many babies, she was like, this is the first time ever I've literally laughed the whole time, literally. But that was just what I wanted to create. So I took that, like, I'm gonna do this to my whole life. Like, this is how I'm gonna run life. So a lot of times people like to how many? Are you always so just calm? And like, you know that I just meant a lot, just personal things going on. People be like, how do you do it, like you have so much going on right now. But you're so like, calm and like, just still just full of grace. And I was like, because I'm focusing on what I can control. It's very easy for us to focus on all the things that we can't control and let it just wreck our day and our years. But there's so much good stuff going on that I can't control. Some will focus on that. Right. And if I focus on that the other things may or may not pan out, but at least I don't have to look back and say, oh my gosh, the last five months have been horrible. No, I can't say that. Yes, there's things that have been happening. But there's a lot of things that have been great. And I'm gonna focus on those. And that, for me has been like, when I say a game changer, in how I manage my life, how I wake up every morning, how I don't let negativity, destroy my day, we've all had days, I'm sure you've been there. When you wake up on the right side of the bed, the sun is shining perfectly, and everything is great. And one person calls and destroys your whole day or one thought and you're just you can't We can't give others or anything else that much control. We can't, because it destroys our creativity are any potential that we any any potential of success for that day? I've seen people that other things destroy their year. We don't have a lot of years. We don't we don't have a lot of years here may seem like well, we don't. I remember someone said, you know, what are you to do? I'm 37 Now what are you gonna do with your last, you know, 50 summers? I was like, Whoa, when you reduce it like, Oh, why would we be outside? I know, like, literally, I was like what you think? Oh, like 50 summers left? Because in summers are short. Right? Right. It depends on where you live. Right? Miami be a little bit longer somebody. But I was in New York. Yeah. So I was like, Oh my gosh, I've been in relationships where I let people destroy my year. Hmm, literally. But now I'm grown. And I'm like, maybe a nobody destroying my year or especially not my summer, because I only got a little bit. So I'm like, let's try to regain control of our years and our summers so that we can look back on our lives and be like I was in control. Things may not have went as planned. But I focused on what I can control as now I am where I want to be because of that. Because we have a lot of control over where we go in life. People don't realize that we have a lot of control. I know people right now they're in like really crappy situations. And a lot of it, I would say 98% of it is because of actions or decisions that they made. I am where I am right now, because of decisions that I made. I'm in a great place right now. We're all where we are we all citizens that we made, right? These are typically things we can control that we can't control. Right? So those shifts, mindset shifts have been major for me. And that's where I'm like if other people can realize that. Yes, it will be more of us. It will be more of us in rooms that typically aren't filled with rooms that look like us. That is so good. What I'm hearing from you is a value that is really close to me, which is agency like remembering that we have agency we have ownership of every decision and every thought. And I think that everything you described right now has helped you create this amazing business and like last year you said I'm not gonna have a bad year. Yeah. And last year was incredible. Yeah, so last year was Also one of the toughest years of my life. Oh, that's right. It was one of the highest revenue years I've ever had. I lost the quarter. Remember, I was pregnant. I went into labor three weeks early. I got sick with the stomach virus last what? 15 pounds, got COVID loss another 10. So pounds, I was 119 pounds when I delivered. Well, my Dion got sick. He he was, you know, basically on his deathbed. And despite all of that, it was still my highest revenue year ever. But for most people, and that happened in q2 to write q2, for most people that would have killed their year, they would have been all I've done about a whole year away. Try again next year. But when you focus on what you can control, and you're still optimistic, I didn't let it stop me is slow me down. You know, I lost a quarter. So I can do 8.7 Without a quarter, huh? I got a full year this year, and I am pregnant, and I ain't getting pregnant. Oh, last so Oh, right. Let's love go. That's why I go back to like, focus people will like, nail. Did you do that? So tell me no, because last year. So what I love is, and it might be they were Aquarians. It might be I just I feel so much like commonality. And I know that I never put it in the words you said of like fear of commitment. But what I have been resistant to is what I called discipline, anything that was expected of me to do every day. Oh, gosh. Um, so I remember when I made that shift to, I'm gonna keep my word to myself. That was a new frame on discipline. And it was no, no, like, My word is important. And my opinion of myself is important. And the way to strengthen my opinion of myself is to keep my word to myself. That's hard. That's how I reframed it. Oh, yeah, it's very hard. It's something I've dealt with. I am okay, with letting myself down. I was, I was okay with letting myself down, which is fine, but not letting other people down. So like imagine, like you said, when we start giving ourselves that same respect, what can I like, I will show it for my kids everyday, but I may not show it for myself. You know, yeah, interesting. And I know for me, that shift was the weekly webinar, and it was tied to my well being because I am a mind I'm a performer, okay, I'm artists. I'm a singer. I'm a dancer, I'm Josephine Baker, I am Sam out here, Nicki Minaj with a wig, the outfit. So for me, my webinar was my stage. And that's where I would perform every week. And I would show up and I was a method actor. And I'd be like, we got to this performance, but it's new audience you're about to get this tasty content. And I would like put on every Wednesday and that was for me a celebration of me keeping my word to myself, but also celebration of my well being and my self expression because I could be all out and do my thing. And it was my stage and my show. And so I want to know for you, because I think you also did your weekly webinar. But what yeah, what was that was the most consistent I've ever been in my entire life. Literally, because I'm like, Yeah, I do not like I'm good for starting some stuff. And then check on me and so we all want something different. Why don't you do that thing? What are you talking about? Like, oh, I forgot. That's it. That's a query but this was the most consistent I've ever been in my entire life. And I when I hit that kind of year mark, I was like, Y'all somebody celebrate me because I've never been I've never been this consistent. I showed up every Sunday at 3pm for a year every Sunday. Sometimes twice a week if I was testing out other days every Sunday I did my I call it my performance to I call it my Beyonce moment I love it for every masterclass I pray I ask God to speak through me and then I go on and I give it all and I click that in button you know a fool right? Done Oh God that knows. Right? But that was the most consistent I've ever been but I was seeing results and I could tell that I was getting better. I loved seeing the growth in me it's hard to do those classes people don't realize it because you're learning just looking at a screen a nobody I mean they're talking to you in the chat is no one waving at you oh and me like oh yeah girl use hidden nothing. It's just you hi Woman Yeah, you're looking at this little teeny dot Okay, did you gotta look at the camera because they don't need that for hour and a half and you're giving them your all you're like, Oh, you do this blah blah boo, boo boo boo boo. It's like it's hard and I got better and better and better. And I was just like, feeling myself. My confidence was going up. I'm making money. You know, I'm saying more and I'm just like I wanted to do I was waiting. I was waiting for my weekly class, because it was my time to get up there and shine. And in the rest of the week, I might be in sweats the whole week. Nobody, right? You know what I mean? But that was my time for me. And it was, I will say, even those those weekly masterclasses webinars just helped me to grow. But it also made me want to be consistent in other things. It was the first thing in my life outside of having my visit. I've had my business now for nine years. So I have been consistent in something right. I've obviously had finances mystified all this time. But it was like, it was the first time I was really seen, like being consistent weekly and seeing the growth. So even now, I'm like, I want to be consistent, more things. You know, like now I work out with a trainer four days a week, my trainer told me other day, she's like, You are my most consistent client. Whoa, did you ever think anyone would describe you with the word? No, no, I Is that for me? Like, I was like, I've made it. Like bodies up? Oh, yeah. Because I've never, that's not never. Because Dominique is like, she's honey. She later next day, I don't know where she gonna be fat. Are you? Oh, I think I'm in Puerto Rico. You said you were like, No, I'm here in Alaska. Yeah. And that's always been me. And she said, she said so funny. She said, You're my most consistent client. And she's I was telling someone other clients other day, she said, listen, Dominique is my most consistent client. She's a whole SEO as she got two kids, but she fits it in every morning at minimum four days a week. And I've been doing it for now almost, well, I get pregnant and may take a little break, you know, when they told me to stop working out, but for you know, almost for a year and a half, you know, and I'm not you know, I'm not I'm not serving body, you know, everybody, you know, you're always healthy. You know what I'm saying? Like, I have a different body type. I'm not losing. I'm not trying to lose weight. I'm trying to maintain and tone. And that's it, but I want to be the healthiest I can I can be. And so I feel like even with those master classes, it proved to me that I can be consistent, because I didn't even think I could be I don't think that was I was like, I will always use I'm an Aquarius. I'm gonna waters you know, we don't we just float whatever river or though? Well, technically, Waters is what? We that's what we're confusing. Yeah. Yeah. Water everywhere. Rising in your moon? No. Okay, well, I don't know. But it's like, I've always been that way. So for me, that was it was just it was it meant a lot to me. And I had to prove to myself and that was not a gross thing for me to know that I could do that. And now I guess I want to be consistent in more areas of my life. So we were talking earlier about facial, you know, face routines and things like that, like, you know, I'm good for buying a little serum using it twice and like this, it worked. The best thing I do is when something is working, I'm like, Okay, I'm gonna stop. Me. And then a month later, I'm like, Wait, why am I stopped city? Oh, because I stopped the thing that was working. You like, oh, it's working. I do over here products, right? You finally get here. Chronic is no bomb. never bought, again. Never bought here. Now I need to go try them. Exactly. And then it gets addictive. And then it gets addictive. Have you have you ever felt that? Because it's such an adrenaline rush? Mm hmm. I want to describe it as addictive. Yeah. Because when I think of addiction, I think of well definitionally it's like a chemical change in your brain where you are, your body is craving that thing, which is usually a substance because that impacts the chemicals in your brain. So when I think of things like a webinar, or even even like hookah, it's not the activity, but it is the high you get from that activity. It is how you're experiencing yourself after the Yeah, so for me, it's the high that I get after the activity of delivering, yes. who associate with Yeah, well, so we've gone we've done the webinar, but then the thrill is there because people like oh my god, it's so amazing. But then I'm hitting my peak when the sales are coming in. Oh, yeah. Right. And I love that that stripe day, I still keep my strike. I want to see it right love being out and it's like, oh, bar, that's a rush for me. You know, it's I don't know, maybe I'm not maybe I am. But when it's not happened and I'm like oh what's what's Where's where strike is maybe strike disconnected? What happened? You know, so it does get a little from me, I will say it gets a little like because it gives me such a rush. You know, even I was you know, on the on the flight here, checking my end at the end of the month numbers. And I was like, Oh, that was good. That was good. You know and so, you know now to with the business, you know, I'm not as involved with it as I used to be. So sometimes I have to find I'm at Rush kind of in other areas, you know, just kind of meeting with the team and getting their excitement makes me excited, you know how excited they get about the things that we're doing the new launches, we're having, things like that. So you have to find now it's like looking for ways to expand the brand. So tell me about your role now. Because you started out solopreneur. And you were the personal brand. And then you were a business owner, CEO, you're bringing in a team, you're doing the webinars. So now things have evolved a little bit. So tell me about like, what is your role now? What is your new identity? Yeah, so now I am truly a CEO. And I say to the CEOs, I think especially nowadays, the term CEO is kind of just thrown around, you know, I'm saying, it's what have you ever learned? CEOs, right? When you have a six figure monthly payroll, and you know, all these payroll, all these people, as employees and withholdings, and you know, 401k is all that stuff, like, then you're like really bossing up, right? It's just different. You know, it's so interesting, because also too, because when I first started my company, I didn't want to be the face of our company, I just wanted to be finances mystified, I want to be behind the scenes. And one of my former mentors told me, you know, this take off if you were the face of it, and I was like, I don't know, I'm a private person with behind the scenes. And I never have guessed that. Yeah, I'm very, I'm very, very prefer to be behind the scenes. And I came out with from the company in boom, it took off. But now my role is, it's interesting, because it's, it's, it's very different, you know, just like you, when I first started, I was, the salesperson created the course, delivered the course, did customer support, did all the things, you know, I was IT, HR, everything. And now I'm just the CEO. So now my role is, you know, any high level decisions that can't be made by my executive leadership team comes to me, right, so that has also been a bit of an issue because I get extreme decision fatigue, I'm, I'm very indecisive. And this role as CEO has really helped me with that, I'm able to make decisions a lot quicker. So now it's really just okaying a lot of things, making sure the money's good. But then also being able to finally just get back into creating new stuff, you know, new ideas, new courses, new just products, you know, now trying to acquire other businesses is something I'm focusing on so that my business can scale quicker. And then also, I have a lot of other ideas of things that I want to do outside of this personal finance realm, I'm able to focus on that. And then I'm also now able to build up the Dominique Broadway brand, because I've learned so much now, you know, as a CEO, as a mom, all these different life hacks, I want to share some of that, right. So figuring out the ways to share that so that people can learn faster as well. So our role is definitely shifted, I'm not in, in the customer support emails anymore. And thank God, you know, that's one of the things that you told me to get out of, to, when we first are gonna, like, girl get out of there. And I'm like, I know what these people are saying me things. Like, that's why you don't need to be out of there. It's only so funny. It's like, most of the emails would be nice. And then like one main thing and shadows all, you're like, Get out of there. And I'm like, I'm trying. And now I'm not in that. So that's really what it's like now. And you know, now I do I have like a book deal, I get to do all the things that I've always wanted to do, but still maintain high income revenue. And that was one of the like, issue before was like, I wanted to do all the things I wanted to do the book, I want to do all these things. But if I did that, the revenue would have Yeah, would have dropped. And now I'm at a point where I had that team so I can do all the fun things on the side, I can be here with you did it, and it's everything's still flowing. So that's why I feel like now I am I'm a true CEO, right, I can go and do other things. And the business can still run without, you know, without sacrificing just because I wanted to go to Costa Rica for a month or something like that. So that's really what the role looks like. Now, you know, I'm a mom. So, you know, I'm that's a full time job in itself, honestly. And I have an amazing nanny, but you know, Mommy is still a full thing. So it's really focusing more on the kids and like the things that make me you know me happy. So when asked me the other day, like, oh, what's your hobby? And I was like, I don't have I don't really have one. Right? It's someone told me they were like, it's okay. Your hobbies actually business. And my mom even told me she was like, since you were a little girl. You've been playing business literally. I was playing business before I even knew probably what business was. I've always loved the idea and the concept of business. My dad found a tape recently that I did for high school. I was launching my own cell phone company. I felt like cell phone prices were too high. And it was called it was called Broadway wireless. And it was like your cell phone companies give you no no reasons not to it was like a whole video. It was it was it was so funny, but it's like I've that's always just been my fun thing I would I was a kid that was starting businesses. was on the weekend, like, that's always been my hobby. So also had to accept that it's okay, you know, maybe you're I'm not musical, you know, I can't dance a little bit, you know, I'm not gonna be playing no instruments or something like that. But like, you know, thinking of fun ways to make money or impact people's lives. That's a hobby for me. And I've accepted that for now. I love that. So to be sitting here almost a year, exactly, yeah, from when we were in Miami at the retreat. And I remember the theme of that retreat was it started as CO identity, and then it elevated to ownership. And I remember last year, like we were talking about, my goal was like to acquire software companies. And we were all talking about how we can elevate out of first the spreadsheet of the funnel, then the p&l of the team, the expenses in the in the profits, and then to elevate into the balance sheet, which holds all our different businesses. So I love the fact that I'm sitting here on the couch with you a year later. And full blown owners like doing all the things building the DB brand, while your team is growing the business because of and that's a big shift. And I was thinking I hate to like harp on the whole, like, slave ownership thing. But as people of color as black people, as African Americans, we were always owned, right, we were owned. And so a lot of times our parents, they are also kind of almost used to being owned, in a way, right? You know, I haven't met anyone that was a slave, but my grandma's my grandma, her grandma was a slave. And she told me about it, right? The concept of ownership is something that a lot of times with black people is like, unheard of. It's new. It's not, it's not, it's not something that is allowed for us, you know. So even that's why a lot of times for African Americans, buying buying a home is a big thing. They own something, because we were always owned. And so now, especially, you know, our generation were like, We want to own the things, we want to own the businesses, we want to own the NF T's we want to own the cars and we want to own we want to be in the ownership seat, right? And then there's more of us only things, and it's major. But for a lot of people who look like us, it's still a hard concept to wrap their mind around, because they still feel like they can't own the things. Like there's I've met a lot of people who still feel like, oh, no, I'm not gonna, I can't, I can't do that. That's not for me. It's not for us. And now I love that, you know, people like like you and myself. We're changing that narrative, like we can own the things and it starts I think, is the baby step. Yeah. Or first, we own our story. Yes, that's the first thing we see that is valuable, because we by owning our story, we can then create a product around it. And then we're able to spread it to the community, but we have full ownership of the company, the product, the profits that are created from that. And then we could turn all the people we're teaching into owners all Safley. And that's, and that's powerful. And it's a simple word ownership. But it's a word that I've mentioned to people in it, it freaks them out. It's like literally, like, when you talk about money, right? I'm sitting here telling you how much I made last year. For some people, it would make their skin color. They were like, Oh my gosh, she said how much she made? You know? Yeah. Yeah, literally, that's like, that's what we do. That's what we do. But it's it's free. And that transparency in that ownership, it needs to be a thing. I wonder if only because we talked about this concept of agency, which is taking complete ownership and responsibility of your own thoughts, actions, and saying that everything I have in my life, I created, I'm responsible, aka, I'm to blame. I don't like to use that language. But like, I'm responsible, aka I am the owner of my reality. And I wonder if there's a link there to where if maybe some people ownership comes as a lot of responsibility? Because that means if things aren't going the way you want, you are the one. You're the one on the line. Yeah. And that's where even like I said that that word SEO is such a buzzword. Ooh, SEO, SEO, SEO, right. People don't really realize what it takes to be SEO. And you know, we own all the things the when the payroll has to go out, we own that. If the thing doesn't work, we own that. We're the ones that take the hits. And a lot of times like you said people keep most most people Um, can't handle that. They can't handle that. And that's one of the things I got. Like I heard someone say like, how do you do it? How do you be the mom be the wife MBDC be the CEO. Have all these people on your payroll? All you people different? How do you do it? Some days I'm like, I don't know how to do it. Because sometimes I wake up I'm like, it's too much things like, you know, it's a lot. But it's, it's, it's a love. I don't know, it's, this is what I'm supposed to do. This is what I'm I know that everything every little step I took every L I took every W I took, got me to where I am, it has taught me and prepared me for this role. I was scared to be a CEO. Like even last time I read it, it was my own blood. My place. I don't think I can do it. Managing people is harder than managing the business. Very well, right. Like it was sometimes I'm like, listen, I know we make more money now. But it was way easier when all I had to do was hold myself accountable manual. And now it's like thank God for my chief of staff and my best friend Diana. Because like, she can manage them people and she calm and I'd be like, girl, you gotta get these people. Because I'm like, listen, I can't, I can't, I can't, I don't have the, you know, you know, like, Helen, she's like, I don't have it, I don't have it, you mess up. I'm like, You mess some stuff up, it ain't okay with you know, more vulgar, vulgar language. And I just realized, I don't have that, like, I'm gonna have so much empathy. But I don't like managing people. I also, you know, I grew up with only child and so I am very good with being by myself alone, on an island with a book and a hookah and some champagne. Like, I'm good. You know, when I retire and my kids are grown domine gonna island with the local Atlanta match, you're gonna find her on an island with a book with with a hookah and some champagne. And some like, you know, honey, Jack Daniels, and maybe a little bit old fashioned or whatever, couple old fashioned whatever. And that say like, Yeah, and like, so because of that, it makes it harder for me as a CEO, because I am so used to just being alone. And now you have all these people there all day. What do you want? What do they want this? What about this doesn't and I'm like, Oh, my gosh, and then the kids are like, Mommy, mommy, mommy, mommy. And then end of the day, you're like, I have nothing to give anybody. You're empty, you know. So it's a lot of responsibility. And I tell people all the time, like, people joke about being a CEO, but like, you don't understand what it really is, make sure that you're prepared and that you even want that role. I do know that I don't want to be CEO for long. I don't I do. I would prefer to bring somebody else in to run finances to mystified as a CEO. It's not what I want to do for much longer. I enjoy it. But it's not. I could, it's not what I want to do. And I realized that, you know, I don't want all of that responsive, I would rather have more responsibility as the owner versus the CEO. Yeah, I love how you have thought about how it resonates with you and how you show up. And I know that I have like renamed the CEO role for myself and how I show up in my natural design, which is CIO. And I'm like, I'm the Chief inspiration Officer, the Chief Innovation Officer and the Chief Investment Officer. I love that. And that is where I thrive that and that may be my new role. That's, I think that's where we elevate it. Yeah, we realize we don't have to fit into this prescribed box of what a chief executive officer was, which, frankly, was made by people who look nothing like me who grew up in a generation, nothing like mine who grew up with access to completely different resources than mine, different trainings, different DNA, I have the feminine energy, like all the ancestry I was born with, I was born to be a CIO, I was born to inspire to innovate and to evaluate these investments. So I love how you're thinking about okay, this is not this is for now, but we don't hire somebody else. So I could I throw that I think would do better at it than me. Yeah, absolutely. Like To be honest, I think I'm a good CEO. I don't think I'm great. Not gonna lie. My staff thinks I'm good. They could be paying. I'm paying them to say that. I guess. Everyone's like, No, you're doing great. I'm like, Yeah, but I could be doing better because I don't really know what I'm doing. Not you're not it sounds I don't know what I'm doing. And I don't mind it. I'm like, Yeah, Tommy's the CEO classes, or Oh, no, I don't know what I'm gonna be called girl. What do I do with this? I don't know. But I'm figuring it out. And one of the things I think that my team does, like, and I will say, you know, anyone that has a team, is I hire people for what they're good at. And I let them do what they're good at. I don't try to control them. I've been able to attract really amazing people that way, and they want to stick around, because I'm like, not bringing them in and say, Okay, this, you got to do it. ABCD. And if you don't do it that way, get out. I'm like, Listen, you do that. Well, I don't. So you tell me the best way to do it. And I'm a rock with you. And they love it because they have the freedom and they come in and they're just like, I've never worked anywhere that lets me just do what I do is long Because you do what you do, you're doing it well. And it's impacting the bottom line and we're seeing an impact, go for it. Be creative, in your space, be creative and operations, as creative as you can be operations as the creative and marketing, you know, be creative in your own thing, because that's not what I'm good at. And so that has been really impactful to help manage people for me, because I don't got time to be, you know, what is it micromanaging? It's not something you know, I remember when I first started my company, and I was like, I'm scared, you know, anytime you start a company, and then I left my good job. And you know, I remember telling myself, Okay, tell me, what happens. What if I go, bro, when my house goes in foreclosure? What if I get repossessed my car because that was my worst case scenario. And then it happened. Oh, wow. And that was a pivotal point for me. My house went into foreclosure by God, I repossessed I went dead broke. It happened. My worst case scenario happened. And a lot of people can't say that, like, literally my worst case scenario actually happened. And so when it happened, and I hit rock bottom and actually had the article, I'm not sure if it was like in Forbes recently, basically saying how I went broke and built back up. And I felt like a hypocrite you know, being a financial planner, personal finance expert, I am not the person who just woke up and started, you know, getting personal finance tips and Tiktok. I've been a licensed financial planner, I have the bachelor's and master's all the degrees. And I felt like such a hypocrite, you know what I was rebuilding through this. But it put this level of just don't give a shit. And I've seen the bottle. And I'm not going back there. So there's only up so now I don't care. I'm gonna do everything. Because after all my worst case scenarios happen. My literally I'd ever get my car got repossessed, and I was like, came downstairs like, Where's My Car? Knowing Damn, well, I paid the car note in months. No, dang. Well, they've been calling me, you know, got sued by my condo association Association, all the things happen. All the worst case scenarios happen. So as I tell people like, Oh, my God, what if this happens? What if this happens? And like you just said, Well, what if it does? And I'm like, Well, it did. Girl it did. And I'm here. Hmm. And so for now, I'm like, it's, there's not a lot of fear in me anymore. So that's been powerful for me. When Forbes article came out, I was shitting. My pants, I did this interview with her. And I did not know she was gonna frame it that way. And it was like, it was like how the font how this financial advisor went from broke to 8.5 million. And I was scared being at the gas station. And, you know, knowing that they're only going to run it for $1. No one I only had $3. And no one that can get a full tank of gas because they only go running for $1. I've been there broke. I have been that broke. And one of the reasons I was that broke was because I had just a bad mindset. When I hit that point, I was like, I couldn't believe that I was there. Because I always I bought my first house at 22 I, you know, save over 50k By the time I was 24, like I was always smart. But I started the business. And I just, I was so gung ho and making it work that I ignored my personal finance as well. All of my clients were thriving financially, because I was giving them such great advice. I wasn't charging enough. I wasn't, I wasn't running my business, the way that it should have been ran. And therefore I went broke. And it was hard. And it took years to come out of it years. To come out of it. My credit score went to four, low on you know you before 44 for low, real low, low, really no kids, either. I didn't either. That was a thing. I think the lowest I can give is 350. And it was like and I was like, oh my god, it's so low. It's when I say I hit the broke, the bottom broke, broke. I did that and rebuilt from there. And that's when I tell people like you could do anything you put your mind to. Now that would have been a really easy place for me to stay to get in and stay stuck. Because I lost self worth. Confidence was shot. I was the financial planner that had no money. Right. But I knew how to do it. I knew how to make it. I knew how to trade. I knew how to invest but I didn't have any money to trade. I didn't have any money to invest. So when you have skills to do something, but you don't have the money to do it, that hurts even more. Because I hadn't done it before. I've made tons of money. You know, but I didn't have it. And there's a lot of people out here like they have jobs. So this is one thing people don't realize too, because I used to be a licensed financial planner. I couldn't have any outside business activities. So there's a lot of people like oh, I had this job and I was trading on the side and I was doing this and Baba Baba, I couldn't do those things. In order for me to start a business, I had to quit my job. I couldn't do my business on the side. I never had that luxury So therefore, I had to go all in. If I wanted to make it work going all in, you know, about maybe two years in, I'm broke. Wow. And then I had to rebuild. And I've been doing I guess I have my business now for nine years. I was probably good. The first two broke the next three. The years Yeah. So now that's why people like, You're not scared. Oh, I've seen the bottom. I've seen it. I've been there. I rebuilt. And it gave me a new set of skills. Because now I can talk to the person who wants to invest who wants to train, but I can also talk to you, when your car gets repossessed girl, I know how to get that back. And I got it back and got it at a lower price than what I actually owed because our negotiators are kind of one. Okay. And then I got my house out of foreclosure, got it back, sold it and still walked away with a little about 80k. Okay, and then I owed everybody in their mama credit card wise, credit was shot, Amex blacklisted me. And now I'm back on the platinum. So I say all this to say like there's a lot of financial experts out there. But there's not a lot of them that have honestly done have done and been through the things I've been through. So people like Oh, can you come on and talk about Yeah, we didn't talk about I can talk about money mindset. I can talk about budgeting, I can talk about being broke, I can talk about rebuilding my credit. I can talk about trading, I can talk about investing, high level investing, option futures, all the fun stuff, crypto, but I can also tell you how to get some stuff off your credit report. I can also tell you how to get out of debt. I can also tell you how to get the bill collectors start calling. You don't I'm saying? So it's like I've seen the face my fears head on. So it's all fake from here on out? Oh my gosh, yeah. That's actually huge thing, because, holy shit. I actually didn't know all of that about you. I think that like one thing that's coming up for me, like I've always seen you, as super confident, already done the things. And I remember like, even when you decided to work with me, I was like, why? And I'm curious, like, why did you decide to like join SEO circle, because I like to learn from the people who have already done it. I don't want to learn the hard, I don't want to take the hard route. It's easy to take the route, right? Anybody could just try to do their stuff on their own. But it's much easier to go to Danielle, who's already done. It has a proven strategy and method is simple as that, because that's going to reduce my learning curve. It's going to get me to the bank quicker. And I'm gonna learn her tips and tricks that she had to maybe learn you actually probably had to learn the hard way I did, right. But I had to pay you for your expertise, so that I can implement it in scale quicker, as simple as that, right. So like now that I have the financial resources I am going to pay for your genius. If you allow me. If you allow me, can you help me because some people are, you know, we turned down money to write we in space, thank God, we are poisonous. But it's like if you allow me I would love to learn from you. You know, it's sometimes it could just be a couple of tips or tricks that turn things to the next level. And that's what people need to realize sometimes too, when you're joining these other programs are trying to learn from people, people are gonna come in and just change your whole life. But you have to be you have to come into the situation ready to be a student and ready to suck up whatever they're willing to put out and then apply it to you. It could be one trick. One thing you say, even one little thing you're like, get out of the customer support. What No, I gotta be a customer get out of it. It was messing up my mentor more than I thought. You know, that's one little thing. Get out of it. Customers were one little thing you said just one. I mean, there's a lot of things. But one thing initially it was just like, she's right. I shouldn't be in there. I shouldn't be in the customer support emails. It's messing up my mental and I can't perform on Sundays the way I need to because I'm still thinking about Johnny, who said my course was trash, because he didn't want to read the books that I recommend it and I think more people need to do that. Well I have people like oh, we'll figure it out on my own you fit on y'all I'm gonna go ahead and take the shortcut and I'm gonna go learn from her and I'm gonna get to the bag quicker and I'll be at the island already when you come five years later because I learned from her so I'll say well piece of the island on the side so we're going to tell the future and we're going to tell it in third person so who in the future and you can think far off 20 years yeah however you want to be who is dominated third person who is dominated What is she doing? What's happened in her life? What are we doing oh my god what she was happening. Okay, I don't I'm not sure if you want to go here with this, but I really felt like we would be in the whole Jetson situation by now. We're not. So I'm hoping by year 3000. We are a Jetsons situation. And I can be like, hey, Tanya, what are you doing? And you like, pull up to my house and your little space car. Obviously, my house is a mansion, because you know, I'm rich. And then I have like all these like, robot staff, and they're like, waiting on us. And my children are grown. I guess they're grown. I don't know other children. Because they're humans. They're not robots. And I own this like Mega financial education enterprise. That's like 10 minutes up the, in the sky. 10 minutes away in the sky. And it's like, huge. It's like really huge. And it's on this like, floating piece of like, Mass? I don't know. Yeah. Um, and then finally, hopefully, we can have that whole situation where, you know, you wake up in the morning, and the thing puts me in the shower, and it does my hair and does my makeup. Like, I hope that were there. But then I don't know. Is that where you're trying to go with that? I'm not sure I'm not. I like that. I like that. That was the furthest we've ever gone in the segment. Most people I think went like five years out or, Oh, I thought you meant let me know. And I kind of was like, take us. Wherever you want to go. I thought it was a refuge. You could also go 10 years. 20 years old whenever you want. Okay, no, okay. Not 1000 years. Gotcha. You. You did now want to dial back. Okay. Five years, I'm dying about from 3000 years to five years. Five years from now I am retired. I'm retired, I am probably living either in Bali or Costa Rica. I have a beautiful, probably eight bedroom mansion with full staff. I have made substantial amounts of money. I have impacted the lives of millions of people. Millions of people are more financially confident. Millions of people understand agency or ownership. Millions of people that look like me and don't look like me are finally owning who they are, and what they want to be they're controlling their lives. And because we have millions more people who are more financially confident, and owning their lives and controlling their lives, the world is a better place. That's where it is. That's where I am. I love that. Am I visiting you? Yes, of course. Or maybe you can this interview love into Bali? I love Bali and Costa Rica are My pleasure. I love Dubai. No, obviously other things here just to add I will have homes and all these places, obviously. I mean, I may have a smaller home in Dubai that you know the energy. What is one word that would describe the energy or the character of Bali for you carefree? What about Costa Rica? Carefree as well? I would ever want to change I would say Costa Rica is carefree. Bali is carefree but connected spiritually not connected to the world. Connected spiritually. It's something about I don't know what it is. With barley. It's just I don't know, they might be a little closer to God over there. I don't know something going on over there. But it's it's it's a very spiritual place for me. Yeah. Oh, thank you. So thank you for doing future the drunken future with me. Thank you so much for being on since 3000. Thank you for having me. Truth with me. Really? Like anytime I get to spend with you. I revel in it. Like why, like I said, any room you walk into, like you bring the frequency of you liked or the cause and the effect. I'll always remember the conversation we have at your birthday in Costa Rica. We stayed up to see the sunrise girl. We're getting started on it. I didn't see it. I missed the sun. It wasn't what it was supposed to meet. It rose was so bad. I know. You said we had a great conversation. We did. We did. You affirmed me. You helped me expand what's possible. And it's been so amazing to just like, have you in my circle. And when I think about like my future, my future kids. I'm like they're going to be interning for Dominic and Dion. They're going to be friends. Okay. Yes, but Dawson and our kids will just be free. They'll be running our lives basing their lives on the world. Yes, that's literally doing our thing. So thank you so much. Thank you for having me. And I'm very excited for all of this and you're such a beautiful soul in person and like I'm really excited that the world gets to see this other side of you that I think a lot of times only us get to see as your friends. You're so just deep and intellectual and like, you know, vibe reading at a different level than others and exciting that you're using this, you know kind of avenue to bring others up to that level with you and expose them to a new level. So thank you for having me in creating this. Oh, I know that I love and adore you. Thank you. And I know that anyone who tuned in this episode wants to know more about you. So where can we find you? Yeah, for sure. So you can always find me on Instagram right at Dominic Broadway, that's where we post tons of just like free content, but also finances demystified on Instagram as well. Or you can go to finances But if you go to Dominic brown on Instagram, you'll find all of our links, you know, I post tons of stories and content and we make it worth your time to follow me. Listen, sometimes life be life in and we do not know what's coming down that road next. Well, that's what happened to me in 2016, when I was unexpectedly laid off from my job. And I was six figures in student loan debt, I had no savings. And I didn't know what was going to happen next. Now, luckily, I had this little voice inside of me at that time that I couldn't ignore, and it was telling me to take the leap. It was saying, use this as your opportunity to build your business. Use this as your opportunity to create your dream life. And so I believe that life happens for us, not to us. And that nudge in my spirit, I should listen to it. Luckily, I did. Fast forward to today I have a business that's made over $20 million. And I've helped over 10,000 people create their online businesses and their dream lives. So do you want to learn how to turn your story into an online product and launch in 30 days, head on over to course from forward slash since 3000. I want you to join us on this journey so you can listen to that little voice inside of you too. So go now Do yourself a favor of course from forward slash since 3000.
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