Here's everything you need to know when starting out with Adobe Premiere Pro in 2021 and beyond.
From the very basics to the most advanced tips and tricks, this guide will help you master video editing like a pro.
We'll start by covering the interface, then move on to creating your first project and editing your first video. Next, we'll talk about some of the more advanced features for working with audio and color correction.
Last but not least, I'll show you how to export your project in order to share it with others.
This guide is not meant to be comprehensive—just a starting point for beginners who are trying to figure out how this program works! And if there's anything else you'd like me to cover, just let me know in the comments below!
When it comes to editing videos,
it can feel really overwhelming.
Maybe the software is just so
busy and so complicated, you
don't even know where to begin.
So let's simplify this. Let's
make video editing as easy as
possible for you. And we can do
that with a simple Getting
Started tutorial and workshop
inside of Adobe Premiere Pro in
2021. So stay tuned. So first
off, you want to open the
program. And as it opens, you
want to make sure that you have
a folder structure ready to go
and organized. And I prefer and
recommend that you don't do it
on your actual computer. But you
have an external hard drive
where you can save all your
footage, all your project files,
and then multiply those hard
drives. So that way you have
backups and the opportunities to
archive. So this is the opening
screen. When you hit the button
to open Premiere Pro, you want
to create a new project. And on
the screen, you're like oh my
gosh, there's all these little
buttons. Let's simplify this.
What we want to do is give a
location to where the project
files will be located. So hit
browse. And then you want to
choose a folder that's well
organized. And we already set
this up with marketing. So hit
marketing. And then here we have
all these folders and we number
them so that way. It's in
ascending order. And we start
with project. That's where all
your project files live source.
That's where you put all the
original or raw video files
music for music. s FX. That's
sound effects. GFX that's
graphics, photos, designs,
animations, vo that's voiceover
captions, caption files,
exports. Those are the final
videos, scripts, the video
scripts using the thumbnails
video thumbnails, let's go to
this project, click on that
folder, hit choose and then give
the project a well defined name.
For the simple side of this
we're going to say our brand
name is Content Supply. And then
these are marketing videos. And
then let's give it a date that
this project was created. month,
month, day, day year year,
ignore the rest of the stuff you
should be good to go. Hit OK.
And then it opens up this
project view. There's a lot of
Windows a lot of things going
on. And let's first start off
with talking about this top
banner. You have different
learning tabs and resources in
order to better serve you. The
main area that you'll hang out
in is the editing side. But
there's also coloring to where
you do this adjust your screen
to where you'll see coloring
options. And then the effects
tab. This is where you get
access to different effects that
we can show you some simple
examples for audio editing,
graphics, captions, and access
to your library of footage.
Let's go to the editing tab.
This is the basic over here,
this is the project window. And
if you don't see this window,
you can go up to the window and
make sure that the checkbox is
on for that project window or
the timeline, the program
monitor or the effects tab over
here. So first off, it says
import media. So we want to
import a video, we can double
click and import or drag and
drop it in here. What we're
going to do is we're going to
import something from our source
folder we have a sample video
here, hit enter import this,
this file has already been named
and organized for you. What we
want to do is organize the
folder or bin structure inside
of Premiere Pro in a similar way
to what we did already. So that
includes creating a new bin or
folder here, we're going to call
it cuts or projects we're going
to call it cuts for this name
one. But what we're going to
want to do is organize further
folders such as the source files
will also added music here.
Graphics, we can maybe skip some
of the folders if you don't have
them, copy these folders as bins
and they can show up in here. So
we got to drag, put this in
source, keep it organized. And
then what we can do to make sure
that the project settings match
the original video files, we can
right click, scroll down to new
sequence from clip. And then
this is the new sequence you can
see the icon is different. Let's
drag and drop this into the cuts
folder. So what we did when we
create a new sequence, let's
drag this over here. This new
sequence is giving us the
opportunity to start to trim and
create our edit. So with this,
what we can do is scroll through
the timeline here. That's what
this is. And we can even expand
upon this. To see the video
there we can see the audio files
their audio waveforms there.
Here's also a toolbar by the
way. This is for text typing
when we want to add that but
let's first talk about trimming.
We can see here that this video
I mostly did in one take so the
editing is pretty minimal. But
what I do want to do is remove
this beginning part make when I
was making sure it's recording,
start off with a smile
and let's give a little
breathing room. So I'm going to
put this cursor right here. And
there's two things we can do
here one, we can hit Ctrl K,
which is a cut, option C creates
now two different clips. Let's
undo that, or there's this
razor, option over here, the
razor. And you can see, you can
add a little cut there. Let's go
back to this selection tool. And
now there are two separate
clips. A third option is like,
hey, I need to delete this as
well over here, scroll this
cursor to about right here, give
it a little breathing room
before that audio starts. And
we're gonna hit q on the
keyboard. And what it did is it
trimmed it and deleted it. So
now in this video, we're gonna,
we can start at a good point for
this video. And this is a
similar video, this one where I
was a tutorial, or whatever
online programs. And then we can
check for let's say, we get
through here, and we're like,
this break right here is that
too long, kind of awkward, let's
speed up the video a little bit.
And I say, um, which is a good
thing to cut out. So I'm going
to find an opportunity here to,
again it, trim it. So I can do
command K, for faster keyboard
shortcut, create a new clip, and
then re scroll down. And I'm
clicking and dragging this icon.
And let's give it let's not chop
off that as far as the audio
form. But let's go a little bit
before it and hit k again, that
I can delete this centerpiece.
But I'm going to go back,
because we're gonna use that
sweet cue option in my queue,
it's going to delete this space
over here. So now scripts are
not are essential to your
success. So I repeated myself,
there's a little bit more
trimming, I should do that or
not. Our central video scripts
are are submitted. See, I said
are starting at this little
break here. So there's a small
breath, I'm going to trim that
are and I say are twice. So I'm
going to trim this area here.
Green new clip, and then I get
to delete this stuff in the
middle. But one thing, so if I
close this space, I mean click
on it. So highlights and hit
Delete. The video scripts are
essential to oh actually worked
out pretty well. So sometimes it
combines it too close together
that it doesn't flow well. But
it sounds like it's one
continuous steak. So that was
kind of a lucky trim. But luck
happens probably about half the
time with some of these edits,
why video scripts are essential
to yours. So if the video were
larger, right, like you just see
this little icon of me scripts
are essential. There's a little
jump cut here. For the sake of
this video, it works. But let's
say it's a full frame of me,
what I want to make sure to do
is I'm going to highlight
everything, right click, scroll
down and do unlink This is
unlinking the video player to
the audio layer because before
it was do it for it's linked up
when I click on it. But we want
to unlinked because what we're
going to do is we're going to do
what is called an L cut. And
this L cut, we're going to
change the icon here to be this
guy, which is the third tool,
the rolling edit down, hit and
we're gonna hit that and scroll
it over just maybe a couple
frames. So that way the cut is
more smooth. If I wanted to
change the angle of the camera,
zoom in or zoom out video
scripts are essential to your
And you also want to make sure
the audio is smooth. This one
works. Video scripts are
essentially is pretty smooth.
But oftentimes when that
happens, there, the audio can
have a clip because it's two
separate audio tracks being
combined into one. So to switch
that up, what we want to do is
go to the effects window, which
if it's not showing up, make
sure effects is turned on the
audio transitions crossfade
constant power the blue is
highlighted because that means
it's a popular one drag drop it
here. And that's too big because
it's it's going to combine the
flow all these and so it's going
to sound all jumbled. So let's
just shrink it down to the bare
minimum. And it removes any kind
of clipping so scripts are
essential to your success, it
smooths out the audio a little
bit more. Another thing we can
do, so we're going to go to the
end and trim out see like sees
extra space we don't need here.
iOS perform well on YouTube. I
end there I'm going to do
another cut and then going to
delete this highlight drag and
delete. But I also want to add
another audio fade out so that
way the audio is smooth as I
finish the video. But then let's
say I'm going to stroll this
out. I want to end this video
with the fade to black and the
effects area. There's other
areas as far as limitary presets
which is more for color grading
color correction, audio effects,
that's if you're trying to fix
audio audio transitions was
which I showed you Video Effects
Which is more color correction,
green screen stuff. And then
there's video transitions, which
we'll use bring or dissolve,
because that's the most popular,
a lot of these other ones are
less common and more se friendly
to broadcast video. So cross
dissolve as most popular one,
we're going to grab dip to
black, because what this will do
is literally dip to black. So
we're gonna scroll out a little
bit more here. Let's just give
this a shot and play YouTube.
Yeah, that's comfortable, we
waited a quick beat or breath
after I finished the line, and
then we allow it to fade to
black. And that's how the video
can finish. Okay, so that's a
quick look at trimming and
cutting. And then organizing
your project window over here.
Again, I had based on the assets
you need to import, you can add
in sound effects, I think you
can even drag and drop that
folder in. And did it work. I
don't think it work that way. So
you can add it in here. And you
can add sound effects, some for
es f x, if you want add sound
effects, and then you can hit
this button in it rearranges the
ascending arrangement of those
bins or folders. So let's say we
did that we added some music. We
added some graphics. Let me show
you some simple title options.
So we start with this full
video. Let's say we want to add
my name or the title of the
video, I clicked on this title
icon here, go click on the
screen and see an added layer on
top for v2 or video track two,
or video layer two, and say,
write out my name. And maybe we
add like creator of Content
Supply or something. So that's
what they call a lower third.
And then we can highlight this
and adjust the text over here in
the effects control window.
Let's move this down. We can
change the font, let's change
this font to Gotham. We'll make
it book. Let's make it bold. And
then we can make this text. even
smaller. highlight that shrink
the size. Let's even make that
text thinner. So that way, it's
clearly different from my name.
And then what we can do is we
can click this selection tool
over here and move this around
on the screen. And you see by
default, this setting is in
place that it It allows me to
lock in alignment. Another
helpful tool to do if you're
doing graphics and stuff on the
screen is to add a title safe
margin here where it allows you
to see hey, if if I go outside
his window, it's cut off screen,
I don't want that. So let's
align it here in the center of
the screen. Let's bring it down
to the bottom so that way it's
within that title safe window,
if anything bleeds out, we won't
be able to read it later on. So
that's some quick text that's
added. In this video we're gonna
talk about, maybe have that show
for a couple of seconds. And
then use one of those video
transitions and the effects
cross dissolve and have it fade
out just kind of trim it down a
little bit
YouTube, SEO and general video.
So there we go, we can start
with or we can say let's copy is
cross dissolve, copy paste added
there, see that red highlight.
And then in this video, and
maybe wait till after we start a
little bit in this video, we're
gonna talk about YouTube, SEO
and general video optimization.
So in order to prepare your so
the real there are some simple
edits there. So once you're
done, you're like this video is
ready to go I'm ready to publish
it. This is amazing. I love it.
Then you have this time on here
you can either highlight this
timeline, you can see the box or
the timeline is highlighted
there. Or you can just simply go
up here to final or file and
then go down to export media.
But command M is the shortcut
for Mac command M and that's to
export your video file. There
you go over here like oh my gosh
the format the settings there's
so many options for the web for
social media for basically
everything you need it for H 264
is the standard because when you
click on that the preset, you
see things that are a little bit
more familiar meaning you see
Facebook formats you see YouTube
formats 4k even is in there. You
can click on that and it gets
ready for you to 4k you can see
the 4k sizing is here. Maybe you
need a larger frame size. You
can adjust this as you want to
maybe 8k or more. And then the
audio should be default set so
you see the effects in here.
audio or video audio captions.
There's a caption file on here,
this will show up. And it gives
you the option to either burn
the captions into your video, or
make it as a sidecar or separate
file you can add in later on
social media. But that's simply
it like one thing to keep in
mind, the estimate file size six
gigs, that's too much, I don't
need to make one that big, you
can make the bit rate smaller
over here, they say making it
let's go to 15, you see this
change to about two gigs. So you
lost about two and a half, there
was that three and a half gigs
of storage, which is really
good, you're not really losing
much quality, that's noticeable
output name, you're going to go
and just this output name over
here by going to the marketing
folder, exports. And then you
want to make sure you have the
right name in there, hit save,
and then you're ready to go. All
you have to do is either hit
export, where it exports it
inside of Adobe Premiere Pro, or
hit Q and it's going to add it
to the Adobe Media Encoder. And
so this is kind of like you can
add as many videos in here as
you want. And hit play. And it's
starting to export the video for
you. And you can see the
progress down here about when
it's going to be done. And
that's how you get everything
exported and started. Don't jump
into here feeling like you have
to use everything all at once.
You can learn how to simply edit
videos in an easy yet powerful
way. There's so many other
features you can use as far as
like keyframes anymore
animations, color correction of
your video, meaning like you can
make brighter, darker, more
contrast more vibrant, messy
with captions, adding more
effects. But the simple side of
skinny started is that's all you
need to know you don't have to
worry about all the other little
features and notes that they
have. That's for more
complicated sides of video
editing workflow. So that's a
quick look at what it looks like
to easily get started inside of
Adobe Premiere Pro in 2021. Let
us know if you have any
questions or any roadblocks that
you're facing as you edit your
videos inside of this software
down in the comments area below
to learn how to edit more
professional and profitable
videos to help you grow your
business or that of your
clients. We have a workshop you
can join down below called video
editing Made Easy Thanks for
watching this video. Make sure
to like and subscribe follow
along for future videos just
like this and I'll see you soon
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