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CashWalk is a free mobile app designed to reward users for staying active, whether by walking or running. The app tracks steps and allows users to earn coins, which can then be exchanged for gift cards from popular brands and products. With a focus on promoting a healthy lifestyle while providing tangible rewards, CashWalk offers users a unique incentive to stay active.

CashWalk approached our team to produce a series of user-generated content (UGC) videos to expand its digital marketing efforts. The objective was to highlight how users can earn rewards simply by walking or running, while showcasing the app’s ease of use and real-world benefits. The goal was to generate relatable, authentic content that would drive engagement, increase app downloads, and create brand trust.

Strategy & Approach:

We recognized that UGC would be the most effective way to connect with CashWalk’s target audience. By featuring real users, the content would feel genuine and showcase the app’s value in a way that traditional ads could not. Our approach focused on the following areas:

  1. Showcasing the Earn-to-Walk Experience:
    We wanted the UGC videos to demonstrate how easy it is to earn rewards by walking or running with CashWalk. Creators were encouraged to capture their daily activities while highlighting the app’s tracking and reward features.
  2. Highlighting Rewards and Gift Cards:
    A core part of the videos emphasized how users can exchange earned coins for gift cards from well-known brands, adding an appealing incentive for new users. We ensured that creators showed the variety of rewards available to highlight the app’s broad appeal.
  3. Engaging, Real-Life Scenarios:
    Each UGC video captured users walking or running in different environments, whether in city streets, parks, or suburban neighborhoods. By incorporating real-world situations, the content conveyed the app’s versatility, showing that anyone can use it regardless of location or lifestyle.
  4. User Testimonials:
    To build credibility and trust, the UGC videos included short testimonials from users explaining how CashWalk helped motivate them to stay active, earn rewards, and even improve their health.


We collaborated with a network of UGC creators who fit CashWalk’s target demographic. Each creator was tasked with recording videos that aligned with their daily routines, ensuring the content felt personal and authentic. The creators used their mobile phones to shoot short clips, showcasing the app’s features and how they earn rewards while staying active.

These videos were edited and optimized for social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Facebook, ensuring they would capture attention within seconds. The final content included a mix of day-in-the-life stories, short app demonstrations, and testimonials.


The UGC campaign for CashWalk proved highly successful, achieving the following key results:

  • Increased User Engagement: The UGC videos resonated well with CashWalk’s target audience, resulting in a 35% increase in social media engagement, including likes, shares, and comments.
  • Boost in App Downloads: The authentic, relatable content contributed to a significant uptick in app downloads, with a 40% increase in new users during the campaign period.
  • Enhanced Brand Awareness: The videos helped spread awareness about CashWalk’s unique offering, positioning it as a fun, easy, and rewarding way to stay active. Positive feedback from users also reinforced the app’s credibility and value.

By leveraging user-generated content, CashWalk successfully expanded its digital presence and attracted a new audience to its platform. The UGC videos were key in demonstrating the app’s ability to reward users for their daily activities while showcasing real-world benefits. This case study highlights how UGC video production can drive engagement, increase downloads, and enhance brand trust, offering a clear path forward for CashWalk’s continued growth and success.

This campaign demonstrated the power of authentic, user-driven content in building strong connections between brands and their audiences. Through our services, CashWalk was able to turn everyday users into brand ambassadors, further amplifying the app’s reach and impact.

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