Do you operate an online store of physical, e-commerce products and would love professional shots?
Get access to a winning bundle of video and photos for your products. It’s perfect for startups and established brands who need more marketing assets to power ongoing marketing efforts for years to come.
Get your product content bundle ready to publish, promote and profit from in only two weeks or less, after receipt of your product.
How it works:
What’s included:
"I love working with Video Supply for my video & photo marketing. The photos are beautiful and polished and now I'm (finally) consistently posting to YouTube. All of this content is help me grow CREAMARIE, my ice cream company! Work with Video Supply, you'll love the team, quality of work and amazing results!"
"447 social shares and over 2,000 impressions with millions in the sales. This has been one of our longest running, most successful ads!"
"5.3+ million views, 811+ comments, 228 shares and thousands of impressions — so happy with the performance and results!"
We love it. Everything is PERFECT! You have been a blast to work with.
How does the Content Product Bundle work?
Video Supply provides professional video and photo creation for your physical product.
Here's how it works:
How can I use the content you create?
Many products are a part of an online store with a sales page. You can add the photos and videos to that page so customers can see and experience what you offer.
Plus, you can use your branded content across search and social media channels, print materials and more.
If you have specific use in mind then let us know — contact our team here.
How does the shipping work?
After you place your order a shipping address will be provided. You can then pack and arrange your product(s) to be delivered to that address for immediate content creation.
In your Video Supply account, please share a tracking number and additional arrival information with our team.
If you wish for the product to be returned after the production then send us a return label and we'll ship it right back once we're done!
If you want to capture more content for the product, great! Order another product bundle with us.